Joe's Pub - January 31, 2009

January 31, 2009 - Joe's Pub - New York, NY

9:30PM Show
Set List:

is this called desire
little universe / under the gravel skies
cloudbusting / the district sleeps alone tonight
keep me in your pocket
many rivers
something like a hero

beautiful life
every time it rains / it is well

review by Jules :)

char mar. joes pub. nyc. 1/31/09. 2 shows in 1 night.

it was incredible. it was a return of sorts. char hasnt played NYC/east since 2007. and she hasnt played joe's pub since 2005. but every time she's played at joe's, its been awesome. its a great venue...intimate, with not a bad view in the house. its just conducive to listening to music. and we were there to hear char mar once again. she was doing it all on acoustic piano the way i first heard her and while i love the direction her music has been taking, i will always love what she could do with just piano.

9:30PM show

this show probably trumped the 2005 show and i LOVED that show. this show was A-MAZ-ING. char was pumped from the last show and was back for more. its a lovefest. she said it. i felt it. we all felt it. the room was packed. this time, char wore a clingy white dress with black print on the front and the kick ass pants and boots from the early show. ready to kick some more ass clearly. i loved hearing 'madman' it's been awhile. but the 'little universe -> under the gravel skies' and then 'cloudbusting -> the district sleeps alone tonight' blew me out of my seat. 'little universe' with the production and the synth and the clicking sounds? yeah, amazing on acoustic piano. and the first and last time i heard 'cloudbusting -> the district sleeps alone tonight' was in 2006 at wesleyan university memorial church show...i loved it. loved it! i wish she would record and release it. so beautiful. i was sitting near some 'cloudbusting'/kate bush fans and they were in heaven. its definitely a rarity. 'tough' is so beautiful...another one i hope one day ends up on a rarity. ugh. this show went so fast. the room was nuts for char. standing o...the 2 encores were perfect...even the accidental swallowing of her saliva during like the most climactic part of 'every time it rains' lol... 'it is well' char mar. it is well.

just an incredible show. and then she signed for like an hour+ and got to everyone. so great to see so many familar faces and friends. im gonna see if i can list you all: lena (ah the goodies are delish! thanks again xo), hannah, marco & mike, noah, chrissie, berry, pete, jenna & lauren, gion, dana, carole + new fan stacey + crew, billebeeeee (thanks for wanting to give me small change! ), trish, jerry, scott, jill, christie, alicia, adam from minnesota, walter, katie & her guy nate, ruthie allison phyllis....god. so many peeps! i loved it. i loved meeting the new fans that just soaked in an amazing night of char music and wanted more! thanks for the hugs and hanging out and seeing char.

please check out this link to read more reviews of this show from char fans!

Charlotte Martin - Joe's Pub: 9:30PM Show - New York, NY - 1/31/09
photos by jules

by jules for

is this called desire


little universe / under the gravel skies

cloudbusting (kate bush cover) / the district sleeps alone tonight (the postal service cover)

....more videos from this show to come...